Engaging With the Community
Social Engagement
Working with legislators
Kentucky Behavioral Health Center Met with J. Michael Brown, Executive Cabinet Secretary and Kerry Harvey, Justice and Public Safety Cabinet to discuss policies that may improve the health and wellbeing of the recovery community.

Featured above: Harvey (second from the right), Brown (third from the right), Kate Shanks of Kentucky Chamber (on the left) and Jason Hall of Catholic Conference of Kentucky (in the center).

The goal of the Kentucky Criminal Justice Initiative is to mobilize the formerly incarcerated
community and provide them with leadership and advocacy training to empower justice-involved
individuals to impact the decision-making process of community based organizations and stem
violence and dehumanization in the criminal justice system.
Coalition Building
We understand that no one can bring about change on their own, so we highly value our
relationships with our community partners.
Smart on Crime
Smart on Crime is a broad and diverse group of community partners advocating for criminal
justice reform.
Kentucky Criminal Justice Forum engages community stakeholders, invites legislators to partake in panel discussions, and gives the community an opportunity to provide legislators with valuable information via breakout sessions.
What is Community Organizing?
Community organizing is a collaborative effort by a network of community partners to bring about
changes of common interest to key stakeholders.

Some of Our Community Partners